Kontor og næringsbygg

Onsøy Golf Academy

Onsøy Golf Academy


Størrelse: 33 000 m2
Status: Ongoing

Onsøy Golf Academy har et totalareal på 33 000 m² for fritids- og turistformål. Prosjektet sikter mot å fremme naturopplevelser, samtidig som det tilbyr moderne fasiliteter for golf, fritid og overnatting. Området utvikles med en kombinasjon av fritidsboliger og turistfasiliteter i en attraktiv, kystnær beliggenhet i Onsøy utenfor Fredrikstad.

Totalt utvikles det over 13 000 m² med bygningsmasse og tilhørende parkeringsfasiliteter. Prosjektet består av tre hoveddeler:

  • Golf Academy: Et trenings- og aktivitetsbygg med golfsimulator, treningsrom, møterom og servicefunksjoner for både golfspillere og besøkende.
  • Fritidsleiligheter: 50 moderne leiligheter fordelt på fem bygg, plassert for å harmonere med landskapet og minimere naturinngrep.
  • Oppgradert klubbhus: Et sentralt møtepunkt med funksjoner som skal støtte både golfbanen og andre besøkende.

Prosjektet kombinerer moderne fasiliteter med stedstilpasset arkitektur og hensyn til naturen. Med fokus på stedstilpasning er bygningene nøysomt plassert for å skåne terrenget og bevare vegetasjon og grønnstruktur. Den arkitektoniske utformingen er preget av naturlige materialer og en moderne, skandinavisk estetikk – inspirert av eksisterende bebyggelse.

Kontor og næringsbygg

Agentgaten 2

Agentgaten 2

Office and commercial, residential 

Surface: 2000sqm2
Status: Ongoing

Agentgaten 2 in Fredrikstad is currently perceived as a less attractive building with limited commercial activity. In order to meet today's visions and requirements, a comprehensive redevelopment plan has been drawn up for the building.

The façade of the building will have large windows and warm wooden materials, which will continue into the courtyard via a new passage. The passage will create a pedestrian axis between Olaf M. Holwechs Gate and Agentgate, connecting Nygaardsplassen, Storgaten and Hans Nilsen Hauges plass.

The courtyard will be converted from a car park into a public outdoor recreation area with green and pleasant terraces for residents and the general public. The apartments will have private balconies overlooking the courtyard and French balconies overlooking the Agentgaten. They will also have access to communal outdoor areas in the courtyard and a small roof terrace on the second floor.

The ground floor will have timber cladding and timber frames for doors and windows, while the upper floors will have through plaster and painted profiles to match the neighbouring buildings. The top floor will have a recessed zinc mansard roof that will turn grey over time to match the nearby slate roof.

Kontor og næringsbygg

Tredalen Speidersenter

Tredalen Speidersenter

Commercial property 
Hvaler kommune

Surface: 60 000sqm2
Status: Ongoing 

Winner of the architectural competition for the Tredalen Scout Centre - Norway's greenest scout centre for the Norwegian Association of the Scouts and Guides.  for Norges Speiderforbund.

The jury's recommendation:
"Line Solgaard Arkitekter has delivered a project with a convincing theme throughout. The project, with its simple, traditional building volumes and details, provides a clear predictability for building on both a small and large scale. In addition, the architecture, with its consistently readable building principles, creates identity and is understandable to the user. The project has a modern feel, while at the same time drawing on elements of the local building tradition on Hvaler".

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Kontor og næringsbygg

Solid Hovedkontor

Solid Headquarters

Office Headquarters

Surface: 8 000 m2
Status: Unbuilt

The new headquarters of Solid Group is an example of a passive office building. It uses many environmental-friendly solutions. The extended use of massive wood as a renewable resource, from its main structural material to its cladding and window frames, makes it one of the rare “All wood” office proposal in Norway. Along solar panels, passive cooling and heating, waste and rainwater management, the proposal is focusing on environmentally friendly solutions.

The compact office is built around a gigantic atrium to regulate the inner climate of the building both in summer and winter. It is the core of the building, a mandatory passage when walking from the entrance to the stairs up to the working spaces. Social areas and meeting points, gradually from loud near the atrium to quite near the working spaces, are scattered on the way to the decks to diversify the appropriable spaces for the workers, as well as promoting spontaneous encounters in order to prevent social isolation and promote a more social and stimulating work environment.

Kontor og næringsbygg

Sentrum Brannstasjon

Sentrum Brannstasjon

Fire Station

Areal:  2 000 m2
Status: Unbuilt

The Sentrum Brannstasjon in Oslo lies on Bjørvika, not far from the Akershus fortress, from which the design is inspired from. It is a public building interacting with a historical position in the city. As part of the urban landscape, the parks surrounding the station are public, and offers to admire the fire trucks on display in the double height ground floor.

Materials and colours are both inspired by the historical buildings nearby, as a way to extend the architectural legacy of the past, while also integrating the technologies and needs of our modern society. The wooden structure is one of the many environmentally friendly solutions of the project, as a beacon of sustainable architecture visible by all right in the hearth of Oslo city centre.

Upstairs, a more private floor for offices, rest rooms and meeting rooms use wooden screens for modular privacy in the floor plan. Windows all around the building offers a privileged view on the Oslofjord, the park, the Opera house and other surrounding buildings.

Kontor og næringsbygg



Government District

Surface: 124 500 m2
Status: Vinner av konkurransen, ikke bygget

In the proposal «Lysning», the Government District is built with a single high-rise block, while the rest of the surrounding buildings maintain a low height through large floor surfaces. In this way, the towering building naturally becomes the symbolically most important building.

I utformingen av arbeidsplassene har G8+-teamet lagt vekt på møteplasser i og på tvers av departementene for å sikre god kommunikasjon både internt og med byen.