
About the firm

Line Solgaard Arkitekter AS er et veletablert arkitektkontor fra 2012, med base i Fredrikstad og Oslo. Kontoret jobber med arkitektur i alle skalaer, og med stor variasjon av kompleksitet.

Line Solgaard er grunnlegger og partner, og kontoret har lang erfaring og spesiell kompetanse innen universell utforming, miljø- og energiprosjektering, BREEAM-sertifisering og antikvarisk rehabilitering av verneverdige bygg.

We design in BIM, which makes it easy to collaborate with other professional groups and internally in the office, as well as for the presentation of 3D models for customers. It is an efficient way of working which means that we have more time to be creative and create good architecture.

We work closely with several other offices. In advance of any major project, we can source extra capacity and expertise from outside, and we have connected consultants who can contribute concretely to projects with solution assistance.

“Our ambition is that what we design should have a long-term perspective, be robust and age with dignity.“

Organization of assignments

We want all projects to be carried out with the right and necessary resources. This is important for both the customer and us. We have a clear organization and the decision-making paths are short. Continuity is important for the quality and economy of a project.

Each project has a responsible project manager, who organizes the project within the office, and who has overall responsibility for solutions, implementation, progress and finances. Each employee is responsible for their work, and works closely with the project manager.

The project manager looks after the contact with the client and any collaborating consultants. As project manager, we will also organize other subjects, and be responsible for coordinating these. It is important to have interdisciplinary understanding, openness and problem-solving during the entire process.

Quality assurance

We have a quality assurance system that is used actively in all project contexts. We have our own KS manager who is responsible for continuously updating our KS routines. All employees are familiar with this work, and have a strong focus on quality assurance.

We believe that architecture happens in the meeting between people. We carry out all tasks with enthusiasm, humanity and professional skill.